Lobos pesadilla

He rescatado un boceto que tenía guardado hace algún tiempo en una carpeta y he decidido ponerle color, aqui teneis las 2 fases del proceso, boceto e ilustración final.

2 comentarios:

  1. Wonderful drawings. Wonderful use of space. Good stuff. I ran into you at Victor's. Our art has nothing in common, but I do appreciate your lively wit.

  2. Thank you very much for your words. It's nice to see how there can be people from elsewhere in the world to see my blog and also likes it. I've been watching your blog and I really like how you make use of the stain and the colors, especially the pictures of vegetation. I don´t know exactly how you got here, (you said "at Victor´s" but I know several people called also Victor )but still I'm glad you arrived here. Welcome! :)
